
- Dr. Narendra Kumar Chopra
- Infectious Diseases
Bloodborne Pathogens: Risks and Prevention
Bloodborne pathogens – microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that can cause disease in humans and are carried in blood, internal body fluids and unfixed human body tissue Semen Vaginal Secretions Cerebrospinal Fluid :- colorless liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord Synovial fluid :- fluid that lubricates and [...]

- Dr. Narendra Kumar Chopra
- 1 Comment
- COVID-19 Awareness
COVID-19: Prevention, and Vaccines
Prevention Ensuring triage, early recognition, and source control (isolating patients with suspected nCoV infection); Applying standard precautions for all patients; masks, hand hygiene Implementing empiric additional precautions(droplet and contact and, whenever applicable,airborne precautions) for suspected cases of nCoV infection; Implementing administrative controls; education, policy implementation,prevent overcrowding Using environmental and engineering [...]

- Dr. Narendra Kumar Chopra
- Disease Prevention
Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Prevent It
Mary mallon who was a cook in new york city was responsible for infecting 49 people of which 3 died. She was quarantined thrice and her stool specimens revealed salmonella typhi Diagnosis: The definitive diagnosis of enteric fever requires isolation of salmonella typhi and para typhi from Blood (40-80%) Bone [...]

- Dr. Narendra Kumar Chopra
- Chronic Illness
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Ulcerative Colitis vs. Crohn’s Disease
Management of ulcerative colitis Medical : Steroids Sulphasalazine Steroid/5-ASA enema Surgical : 20-30% require surgery Colectomy is curative Main indication is severe attack unresponsive to medical therapy Complications Fistulas, fissures,abscess (esp Crohn’s) Toxic dilatation (megacolon) Perforation Massive haemorrhage (rare) Carcinoma of colon (UC after 10 years) Management of Crohn’s disease [...]