Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Ulcerative Colitis vs. Crohn’s Disease

Management of ulcerative colitis

  • Medical :
  1. Steroids
  2. Sulphasalazine
  3. Steroid/5-ASA enema

Surgical :

  1. 20-30% require surgery
  2. Colectomy is curative
  3. Main indication is severe attack unresponsive to medical therapy


  • Fistulas, fissures,abscess (esp Crohn’s)
  • Toxic dilatation (megacolon)
  • Perforation
  • Massive haemorrhage (rare)
  • Carcinoma of colon (UC after 10 years)

Management of Crohn’s disease

Ideally managed by an aggressive physician and a cautious surgeon

  • Medical
  1. Steroids
  2. Azathioprine
  3. Sulphasalazine (5-ASA)
  • Surgical
  1. 80% of pts need surgery at some point
  2. Recurrence almost inevitable so surgery avoided as much possible but there are certain indications such as failure of medical therapy, complications


  • 50% of patients relapse
  • In Crohn’s 15% unable to work after 5 years, mortality 2x general pop.
  • In UC under 10% unable to work after 5 years, no increase in mortality


  • Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the 2 major idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases major idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Aetiology remains unclear
  • Patient usually present with diarrhoea +/- blood and mucus, abdo pain and weight loss
  • Patients sometimes have extra GI manifestations
  • Treatment is initially medical. with surgery for patients who don’t improve or develop complications


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    1. The Common category includes then following block: Paragraph, image, heading, latest gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraphs block is the default block type. This is should not to have any alignment of any kind.

  2. The Common category includes then following block: Paragraph, image, heading, latest gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraphs block is the default block type. This is should not have any there alignment of any kind. Category and then there are many things too following blocks and many more.

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