Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Prevent It
- Mary mallon who was a cook in new york city was responsible for infecting 49 people of which 3 died.
- She was quarantined thrice and her stool specimens revealed salmonella typhi
- The definitive diagnosis of enteric fever requires isolation of salmonella typhi and para typhi from
- Blood (40-80%)
- Bone marrow (50-90%)
- Rose spots
- Stools
- Intestinal secretions
- Other sterile sites.
- Leucopenia and neutropenia(15-25%)
- Prompt administration of antibiotics prevent the complications of enteric fever.
- Uncomplicated enteric fever can be managed with oral antibiotics and antipyretics at home.
- Patients with persistent vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal distension should be hospitalised and given supportive therapy.
- Proper hand washing
- Avoid drinking untreated water
- Avoid raw vegetables
- Choose hot foods
- Proper sewage disposal
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The Common category includes then following block: Paragraph, image, heading, latest gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraphs block is the default block type. This is should not to have any alignment of any kind.
The Common category includes then following block: Paragraph, image, heading, latest gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraphs block is the default block type. This is should not have any there alignment of any kind. Category and then there are many things too following blocks and many more.